Message from the Principal

“Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.”

– Japanese Proverb

September 5, 2019

Dear Families,

Welcome to Bloomfield Elementary School 2019-20. I’m excited about how much your child has accomplished in just five days of school!  

I want you to know that my hope and expectation is that every student will make great progress as a reader, writer, mathematician, scientist, problem solver, and friend. He/she will become more independent. I know that children will learn when they feel safe, important, and interested. My dream is for every individual walking through the doors at Bloomfield Elementary to breathe a sigh of relief knowing they will be safe. Your child will experience success if they come to school on-time daily, even early release days, and remain until the end of the day. Please take time to read the attached information about the importance of attendance.

In an effort to reduce paper waste the Student/Parent Handbook is posted on the school website at: The answers to parents’ most common questions can be found in this. You may request a hard copy of the handbook by calling or sending a note with your child.

Parent involvement is an important part of a healthy school community. There are many ways for parents to contribute to improving their child’s success at school. The simplest and most effective way to be involved is to make sure your child gets a good night sleep, has a healthy snack, and brings important things back and forth between school and home. Other ways to be involved are:

  • Making sure your child comes to school every day and on-time
  • Volunteering time at home to prepare materials
  • Volunteering time in your child’s classroom, lunchroom, playground, library or school
  • Attending open houses and special events
  • Attending parent-teacher conferences (held in November)
  • Communicating with your child’s teacher through phone, e-mail or face-to-face (after school hours)
  • Attending monthly parent group or Parent-Teacher Group (PTG) meetings

If you would like to volunteer, please fill out the Volunteer Call-Out form. Your child’s classroom teacher will contact you to set up a schedule or speak with you about your interest and availability. Volunteer Orientation will be Thursday, September 12th at 1:00 PM.  

I have no doubt that you love and care for your child and want the very best for him/her. Regular school attendance is one of the very best ways for you to make sure your child is able to reach all your hopes and dreams for him/her. Students that miss school are far less likely to read well by the end of third grade. Your child will do well in school, college, and work with consistent attendance.  

The following dates are important:

  • Wednesday, September 18th: 11:45 AM Early Release Day
  • Thursday, October 1:  Randy Judkins K-6 performance @ SAHS (students will walk or travel by bus)
  • Wednesday, October 2:  School Picture Day
  • Thursday, October 31:  Tentative Connect, Create, and Move Day

Parents are given so many papers to complete at the beginning of each school year.  I know they each take a few minutes. Please make sure to send back all paperwork as soon as possible. We are required to get the RSU MSAD 54 Parent/Guardian Economically Disadvantaged Survey 2019-20 (blue form) from every family. By completing the form, you help our school qualify for funding and ensure that all students will continue to receive a free breakfast and lunch.

Scientists now know that brains can be strengthened by struggling with hard work in a supportive environment.  As you walk through Bloomfield you should hear that we are all working on having a growth mindset.  This means that we will be saying things such as “I can do it!” 

It’s going to be a great year of learning.  I know that “we can” do great things together.


Jean M. Pillsbury